On Thursday, 07.04.2022 a delegation of the Shuttles & Co project visited the Mierendorff elementary school in the district of Charlottenburg. This extraordinary event came about through the initiative of teacher Faris Hammad, a career changer in the teaching profession with a science education.
Together with his class, 5a, he has already programmed a self-driving mini-robot vehicle in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS). This exciting project was enthusiastically received by the children. Now, of course, the students were eager to further develop their knowledge on the “big object”, i.e. our shuttle. To this end, Felix Metzger (BVG) and Christoph Schäper (ZTG) went to the school to answer the children’s questions.
While Felix answered the class’s questions about the operation and functionality of the shuttle, Christoph introduced the class to the field of acceptance research, including a small (of course not entirely representative) survey about their mobility behavior. Interesting discussions ensued, with the children proving to be very bright and interested in the shuttle operation. The bottom line was a successful “double lesson” that gave us an insight into young people’s perspectives on the topic of new forms of mobility.
In addition, of course, we hope to have simultaneously sharpened the children’s sense of the importance of new, sustainable mobility, in addition to making it easier to understand how the shuttle works and operates. A special thanks goes to Faris, through whose initiative this special meeting was made possible in the first place. This experience will then be rounded off for the students with a visit to the shuttle as soon as possible. We are looking forward to your ride.