New data for Berlin

[November 2022]

A lot of work has gone into expanding the Berlin mobility data platform over the past year. The mobility data platform “Digitale Plattform Stadtverkehr” (DPS) makes traffic and environmental data freely and digitally available to all interested parties.

Since the beginning of the year, a lot of new data has been connected to the platform. Air quality and traffic measurements are now displayed on the platform, as are the latest messages from the traffic information boards and waterways. For example, daily updated car and truck speeds and volumes, as well as the volume of cycling traffic at the respective locations can be visualised in diagrams via the traffic detection data and downloaded for further use. The display of road works provides information on the duration and extent of closures. Furthermore, the capacity of large public car parks, Jelbi and Nextbike stations can provide information on intermodal transport. The new routing function also supports this. In addition to classic routing elements, this also includes a recheability analysis. For example, this can be used to get an overview of which places can be reached within 30 minutes from a starting point, depending on the means of transport (see illustration below).

Just as important as the work on the frontend, i.e. what appears on the screen at the end, is the work on the backend. A database has been set up here that can be used, for example, to carry out simple analyses of the long-term development of traffic. Weiterhin können Zusammenhänge zwischen Verkehr und Umwelt aufgezeigt, analysiert und für eine umweltfreundliche Verkehrsplanung genutzt werden. The available data is offered for free via the Berlin Open Data Portal (

However, the expansion of the data platform is far from complete. In order to provide up-to-date and high-quality data on a permanent basis, there are still many tasks in the coming months and years. A clear dashboard with current traffic information, for example, is to be published shortly.

Map of Berlin with accessibility analysis from Jannowitzbrücke.
By means of the accessibility analysis, all places can be displayed that can be reached by a means of transport within a certain time. In this example, the range of the bicycle with the starting point Jannowitzbrücke is shown (15 minutes in green and 30 minutes in red).
Current traffic situation and road works in Berlin.
The current traffic situation and the duration and extent of road works can be queried via the DPS. This information helps to better plan journeys through the city or to switch to public transport at an early stage to avoid standing in traffic jams.
Map of Berlin with cycle priority network and cycle counting points
The cycling data on the DPS includes the cycle priority network and the measurement data from the cycle counting points.
Map of Berlin with locations of the information boards with traffic information.
The current information on the traffic information boards can also be accessed via the portal. In this example, the information from the info board on Frankfurter Allee is displayed.
The current display of parking spaces, Jelbi stations, sharing vehicles and train stations favour intermodal mobility chains.
The display of large car parks, Jelbi stations, train stations and current locations of sharing vehicles favours intermodal travel chains.
The various long-distance cycle routes that run in and around Berlin are also displayed on the DPS.